The Exam

Part II CSPE Exam information is now available. Learn more by clicking here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I find information on how to register for the APMLE Part I, APMLE Part II (Written) or APMLE Part III Exams and for answers to frequently asked questions? Please click the link below.
Please note that the application system (Connect) will not be live until the date that the exam registration opens.
Where can I find the Part I, II and III Candidate Bulletins?
The current bulletins can be found here American Podiatric Medical Licensing Examination –Registrations (apmle.com) and at National Board of Podiatric Medical Examiners (NBPME) | Meazure Learning – Candidate Services.
Who can I contact if I have further questions about the exam registration process, fees, test centers, Notice to Schedule, or how to access score reports?
Meazure Learning Candidate Support
P.O. Box 570, Morrisville, NC 27560
Phone: (919) 572-6880
Email: [email protected]
Where can I find more information regarding the APMLE Part I, APMLE Part II (Written) and APMLE Part III Exams?
More information can be found here National Board of Podiatric Medical Examiners (NBPME) | Meazure Learning – Candidate Services.
How can I send a copy of my Part I, II, and/or Part III examination scores to a state board, federal agency, hospital, or institution?
A certified copy of your Part I, Part II, Part II CSPE, and/or Part III score reports can be sent to state licensing boards or organizations by placing an online order on the FPMB website at www.fpmb.org and clicking the “Order Reports” button. FPMB cannot provide score reports to candidates.
FPMB also maintains contact and other pertinent information for state licensing boards across the country on their website at https://www.fpmb.org/Resources/MemberBoardsInfo.aspx.
For additional information, contact the FPMB Executive Office at [email protected] or 202-810-3726.
How much does the National Board charge to register for the exams?
The Part I, II (written), and III exam fee is $925 for each exam. The Part II CSPE exam fee is $1,230.
What are the examination dates and deadlines?
The current exam dates and deadlines can be found here.
Who is required to pass both components of the Part II exam?
Only those persons in the Class of 2015 (excluding the Class of 2016, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025) and later classes are required to pass both the Part II Written and the Part II CSPE. Persons from earlier classes are neither required nor eligible to take the CSPE.
Do the questions on the test always follow the content outline in the Bulletin of Information?
Yes. Meazure Learning assembles the test from approved questions according to the content specification. The Board receives a test evaluation report after each examination that lists the number of questions in each subject area. The percentage of questions per subject area always matches the content outline.
Why do some of the questions seem too broad and others seem too picky?
Several steps are taken to assure that only appropriate questions are included in the examinations. The questions in Parts I and II are written by faculty members from the colleges/schools of podiatric medicine and then reviewed for appropriateness by content experts and practicing podiatric physicians prior to being incorporated into an examination. Please see the test development process for further detail.
Why does the exam cost so much?
There is an extensive process of development and review to assure the appropriateness and defensibility of the examination, as well as a secure computer-based test delivery in numerous locations around the country. A relatively small candidate population shares these costs.
How should I study for the examination?
You should review the course documents (textbooks, syllabus, class notes, course examinations, etc.) and consult with the faculty members who teach in the subject area outlined in the Bulletin of Information.
Does the examination test the curriculum?
The content of the examination derives directly from the periodic practice analysis studies conducted by NBPME. It focuses on the competencies necessary to protect the public. It does not derive from a study of the curricula of podiatric programs, which, for example, may be broader or deeper in some areas than the exam. However, questions for Parts I and II are written by podiatric faculty and subjected to numerous expert reviews for appropriateness.
How does a test question make its way to the exam through the test development process?
Before being placed on the examination. The American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine has just completed a curricular guide for podiatric medical education and the NBPME will be discussing with school representatives how this can best be considered in the test development process.