Where do I find information on how to register for the APMLE Part I, APMLE Part II (Written) or APMLE Part III Exams and for answers to frequently asked questions? Please click the link below.
Please note that the application system (Connect) will not be live until the date that the exam registration opens.
Where can I find the Part I, II and III Candidate Bulletins?
The current bulletins can be found here American Podiatric Medical Licensing Examination –Registrations (apmle.com) and at National Board of Podiatric Medical Examiners (NBPME) | Meazure Learning – Candidate Services.
Who can I contact if I have further questions about the exam registration process, fees, test centers, Notice to Schedule, or how to access score reports?
Meazure Learning Candidate Support
P.O. Box 570, Morrisville, NC 27560
Phone: (919) 572-6880
Email: [email protected]
Where can I find more information regarding the APMLE Part I, APMLE Part II (Written) and APMLE Part III Exams?
More information can be found here National Board of Podiatric Medical Examiners (NBPME) | Meazure Learning – Candidate Services.
Clinical Skills Patient Encounter (CSPE) Task Force
NBPME has formed a Task Force comprised of a wide range of interested parties to consider how best to resume testing of the competencies of:
Physician-patient communication and interpersonal skills
Data-gathering and history-taking
Documentation of the patient encounter
Clinical problem-solving and decision-making.
These were all determined to be essential skills in the interest of public health and safety. The option of establishing testing in the schools is under consideration and discussions have begun with the AACPM. The task force chair, Dr. Vivian Rodes, said she is interested in having the group begin work on the many details that need to be resolved to continue progress on this very important initiative.
Part II CSPE Exam information is now available. Learn more by clicking here.

What is APMLE?
The American Podiatric Medical Licensing Examinations (APMLE) are qualifying tests currently recognized or utilized by legal agencies governing the practice of podiatric medicine in the states, provinces, and federal agencies listed in the Candidate Bulletin.