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Part II CSPE Exam information is now available. Learn more by clicking here.
Invitation to Participate in the NBPME Part III Practice Analysis Survey
The National Board of Podiatric Medical Examiners (NBPME), whose mission is to develop and administer examinations for podiatric physicians’ licensure, commissioned a practice analysis update for the Part III Examination from Prometric, the test development vendor.
This practice analysis survey is designed to elicit your input on the NBPME Part III Examination. The results of the study will be used to update the test specifications for the Part III examination. We would greatly appreciate your input on this significant project.
As part of this study, we ask you to complete an online survey. The survey will take approximately 30-45 minutes to complete, and most questions take just seconds to answer. You also have the option to save and complete the survey in multiple sessions.
To thank you for your participation, the National Board of Podiatric Medicine (NBPME) is offering 12 $100 Amazon gift cards. These will be awarded based on a drawing of those who complete the survey.
If you would like to be entered in this drawing, please enter your information in the appropriate survey fields. Participation in the drawing is optional. You will be contacted via email if you are a winner after the survey closes.
All of the information you provide will be kept confidential. Your name, address, and e-mail will be kept separate from your survey responses and available only to the NBPME and Prometric. Please find below information about the NBPME Part III Examination and instructions for completing the survey.
The Part III Examination is a licensing examination designed to determine whether a candidate’s knowledge and clinical skills are adequate for safe practice. Clinical skills refer to applying knowledge needed by entry-level podiatrists to evaluate, diagnose, and treat patients. Part III is used by state licensing boards to test candidates who have applied or who are applying for licenses and who have met or will meet the state’s own criteria for licensure for independent, unsupervised general practice, including state residency requirements. Candidates must hold a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) and have made an application for a license in one or more participating states to take Part III.
Follow this link to the Survey:
Take the Survey
Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:
The following contact information is provided if you encounter any technical difficulties completing the survey online or have questions regarding the survey content.
If you encounter any technical difficulties with completing the survey online or have questions regarding the survey content, you may contact us. Please be sure to identify the survey you are taking (NBPME Part III Practice Analysis Survey 2020).
Email [email protected]. You will receive a response within 24 hours or less, Monday through Friday.
Your completed survey should be submitted by Thursday, January 14, 2021 (8 PM EDT).